Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Base Converter (Introducing my first iOS app)

Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad icon

I’m happy to announce the launch of my first ever iOS app: Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad. Here’s the description:

32-bit base converter for iOS. It translates binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers.
- Single-view app for a simpler, faster, "straight-to-the-point" usability.
- 3 different convenient keyboards for an easier typing experience.
- Display numbers aligned to keyboard for a clearer reading.
- Smart "number reseting system" when switching keyboards to avoid the burden of deleting the current number before typing another one (this option can be disabled).
- Binary numbers are separated in groups of 4 for an easier reading p.e: "1111 0010 0010 1101"
- Hexadecimal numbers are separated in pairs for an easier reading p.e: "F2 2D"
- Decimal numbers are separated in trios for an easier reading p.e: "61 997"

“Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad” is the ideal tool for computer, electronic, telecommunication engineers and other students or professionals who work with binary and/or hexadecimal system.

This converter has the highest speed usability, so it doesn’t make the user loose their precious time unnecessarely.

Currently this app only for iPad (with iOS 4.3 or later), but it will be availiable for iPhone soon.

Though it’s not the fanciest app you can find in the store, I found this little “Hello World!” project a very inspiring experience. I’m already working on new projects, as well as enhancements for this one.

Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad screenshot Base Converter (Bin, Dec, Hex) for iPad screenshot

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